Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Christopher!!!

We had a very exciting month! Christopher turned 2 and had a vocabulary explosion! He talks nonstop now and I am proud to say we can understand a lot of what he is saying. He not only can count to 10 but he can also recognize the numbers! He is even getting more adventurous in trying new food! Katie turned 3 months and is growing so fast, our big girl is already wearing 9mo clothes! She is trying to roll both ways but hasn't quite got it down yet. She is sleeping a little better (knock on wood) so we decided to add more madness to the Holder household and get a puppy! A little basset hound, Chris loves her so much! He kept petting her and laughing. We pick her up Easter weekend!

He had a great time meeting all of the puppies:

Katies 2 month spring photoshoot:

Family walk to the park in the big double stroller!

Happy 2nd Birthday Chris!

She doesn't quite get the jumperoo yet

Our big girl is 3 months!

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