Saturday, February 25, 2012

Eek! Where has the time gone?!?!

Here it is almost March and I've yet to post Xmas and Katie Bear's b-day pics! Life has been crazy hectic lately. Katie is a comfortable "cruiser" if she has anything to hold on to she is happy walking around. She has great balance and stands unassisted all the time. But if you put your hands out for her to walk to you she goes to the floor laughing and crawls over :)

Chris is quickly approaching 3 and is counting down the days until his party at the moonbounce place. He will be moving up to the 3s room at "school" and we all can't wait, he's outgrown the 2s. He is such a big boy now, he can dress himself, knows the alphabet, count to 20, count to 10 in Spanish and is working on phonics! We are so proud of him.

Xmas came and went and I will admit Xmas with 2 toddlers is an adventure. There were a lot of "MINES" and gift exchanges. Whatever one of them has the other one wants.

Katie got her 1st haircut last month and didn't mind it at first. Towards the end she got a little upset because the woman was taking way too long. But I was proud of her, she was a big girl and sat in the chair all by herself!

Chris liked wrapping gifts more than unwrapping
Santa brought bikes!

Birthday girl!
12 month pic, what a big girl!
Katie's birthday party!
The balloon drop at her party!
Katie counting her birthday cash
Visiting with cousin Clark!

Chris "checking his email" 1st haircut

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